
Use MUD-NOX® to

  • “wet out” and disperse mud during bailing.
  • add to drilling mud to reduce solids build-up, balling of drilled clay-shale, decrease friction, and aid in reducing solids suspension.
  • slip gravel.
  • decrease surface tension of water when using any chemical treatment.
  • remove and emulsify oil in wells with oil-lubricated turbine pumps, or for shop degreasing.
  • remove “mud-cake”, silt and clay from water wells.

How to use MUD-NOX®

  • Use approximately 1 gallon/200-400 gallons of water for mud problems, and slipping gravel.

    Use approximately 1 gallon/400-600 gallons of water as a penetrant and emulsifier.

    Use approximately 1 gallon/400-800 gallons of fluid as a drilling mud additive.

    Add directly to water in system being treated. (See table for calculation)

    Agitate occasionally with the pump. If a rig is over the hole agitate with a bailer, surge block or other tool. Dry ice can be used to agitate the chemical if rig or pump are not available. Pump or bail the hole clean, develop and test. Initial water after treatment contains spent chemicals and should be pumped to waste.

    MUD-NOX® is a liquid blend of wetting agents, dispersants and emulsifiers. It is non-corrosive, non-contaminating and slowly biodegradable.

    MUD-NOX® also works well when used as an additional wetting agent in conjunction with DRY ACID, WELGICIDE CLEANER or DRY ACID SPECIAL.

    For best results brush the well with the Cotey well cleaning brush prior to chemical treatment. Brushing the well can remove interior screen deposits and ensures more uniform chemical access into the formation.

How to dispose of MUD-NOX®

Waste resulting from treatment with MUD-NOX® should not be pumped where contamination of domestic water supplies could result. Surface activity agents disturb the water-holding ability of soil, thus waste should not be pumped to cultivated fields. Stock and aquatic life are susceptible to concentrated amount of surface active agents, thus waste should be greatly diluted if left on surface. COTEY therefore recommends that waste be pumped to sewage, barrow ditches for natural biodegradation, or to local pits for biodegradation and consequent filling, provided infiltration will not contaminate a local aquifer. In all cases waste should be thoroughly diluted. (Local, State and Federal regulations should be adhered to.)

MUD-NOX® is a concentrated detergent, thus do not take internally. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting, call a physician. Keep out of eyes. For eyes, flush with fresh water and secure immediate medical attention. No hazard under normal use conditions.

MUD-NOX® is packaged in 1-gallon, 5-gallon and 55-gallon containers.