
The National Ground Water Association is the hallmark organization for anyone affiliated with the groundwater industry. A nonprofit organization, NGWA is comprised of more than 12,000 U.S. and international groundwater professionals — contractors, scientists and engineers, equipment manufacturers, and suppliers. Our purpose is to provide guidance to members, government representatives, and the public for sound scientific, economic, and beneficial development, protection, and management of the world’s groundwater resources.

The Mission of the American Ground Water Trust is to: Protect ground water; Promote public awareness of the environmental and economic importance of ground water; Provide accurate information to assist public participation in water resources decisions and management.

The Texas Ground Water Association was founded in 1947 to:

  • Assist, promote, encourage, and support the interests and welfare of the water well industry, particularly within Texas;
  • Foster, aid, and promote scientific education, standards, research, and techniques in order to improve methods of well construction and development and advance the science of ground water hydrology;
  • Promote cooperation among well contractors and governmental and scientific agencies in properly developing and protecting underground water supplies;
  • Encourage improvements in drilling and pumping equipment;
  • Collect, analyze, and disseminate to the public information on the role of the water well industry in the state and national economy;
  • Advance the mutual interests of all engaged in the water well industry.

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