Well Conditioner


  • reduce corrosion on metal and mineral surfaces in a dormant water well.
  • prevent scale formation.
  • control odor and improve water quality by reducing the accumulation of biofilm produced by slime forming bacteria..
  • extend the life of a water well and pump.
  • improve overall water quality.


Add 4 gallons of WELL CONDITIONER per 100 gallons of water in the well (See table for calculation). Add the WELL CONDITIONER through the water-level access hole or other opening between the casing and the column pipe, or through the discharge. There is no need to pull the pump. The more dense WELL CONDITIONER will disperse throughout the water column, coating the metal and mineral surfaces with a protective molecular barrier.

WELL CONDITIONER can remain in the well for months. Cotey Chemical recommends that a sign be placed on the well which states: “This well is undergoing chemical treatment to prevent corrosion. Do not use this well for any purpose until the proper disposal procedure has been followed.”

When it is time to reactivate the well, pump or bail the hole clean, and test the pH of the water. A pH > 8 indicates some WELL CONDITIONER may be present. ALL OF THE WELL CONDITIONER MUST BE PUMPED TO WASTE BEFORE USING THIS WELL. We recommend that the individual who places Well Conditioner in the water well communicates this information to the end user to ensure the end user removes the chemical before activating the well.

How to dispose of WELL CONDITIONER

Cotey therefore recommends that waste be pumped to sewage, barrow ditches for natural evaporation and biodegradation, or to local pits for evaporation and consequent filling provided infiltration will not contaminate a local aquifer. In all cases waste should be thoroughly diluted. (Local, State and Federal regulations should be adhered to.)


DO NOT MIX WELL CONDITIONER WITH OTHER CHEMICALS! WELL CONDITIONER may form a gel in the presence of certain acids (low pH).

When using this product, wear eye goggles or safety glasses.

WELL CONDITIONER is packaged in 5-gallon and 55-gallon containers.