P.O. Box 2039 Lubbock, TX 79408 (800) 457-2096
Well casing diameter (in inches):
Well depth (in feet):
Static water level (in feet):
Volume of water in the well (in gallons):
BioClean (gallons):
Chlorine Enhancer (ounces):
Dry Acid (pounds):
Dry Acid Special (pounds):
Liquid Descaler (gallons):
Mud-Nox (gallons):
Wel-Chlor Plus (ounces):
Welgicide Cleaner (pounds):
Well Conditioner (gallons):
Diameter of the bore hole (in inches):
Diameter of the casing (in inches):
Total depth of the well (in feet):
Diameter of the screen (in inches):
Length of the screen (in feet):