P.O. Box 2039 Lubbock, TX 79408
(800) 457-2096
Frequently Asked Questions
How often should well maintenance be performed?
Answer: Regularly. Every well is unique, but a general guideline is annual maintenance allows for removal of plugging material when it is thinner and softer.
What is the best practice procedure for rehabilitation of a water well?
Answer: a. Gather information: video the well, analyze the well water and a scale sample.
b. Pre-Clean: Use a brush or percussion tool to loosen deposits, remove any loose material with a bailer or lift
c. Chemical treatment: Add the premixed chemical to the well, agitate aggressively with a brush or surge block
d. Monitor: Check the pH. If the pH is above 3.0, add more chemical.
e. Dispose of the waste appropriately
f. Develop the well: Remove any undissolved material.
Can I leave the chemical treatment in the well longer than the recommended time?
Answer: A few hours of extra chemical contact time should not result in any issues. Contact Cotey Chemical for specific circumstances.
Is hydrogen peroxide a good choice for well disinfection?
Answer: Hydrogen peroxide is an effective disinfectant. It is a powerful oxidizer and kills bacteria upon contact. It decomposes into water and oxygen gas: 2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2, so no noxious fumes are produced. However, there are several disadvantages of using hydrogen peroxide for water well disinfection including:
Safety: Hydrogen peroxide solutions used for water well disinfection have much higher concentrations (30-40%) than drug store solutions (3%). At these concentrations, hydrogen peroxide is highly irritating to the skin, eyes, and mucus membranes. Skin exposure causes painful blisters, burns and skin whitening. Exposure to eyes can cause permanent eye damage and inhalation causes lung irritation and damage.
Cost: Hydrogen peroxide is generally more expensive than chlorine disinfectants.
Long term effects: Disinfection of a water well is temporary—not all bacteria are eliminated. Hydrogen peroxide forms oxygen gas which dissolves in water, thus making the environment more favorable for aerobic bacterial growth. It is possible that shortly after disinfection with hydrogen peroxide, a rapid bacterial population growth would take place creating a more severe problem than existed originally.
Corrosiveness: Hydrogen peroxide is corrosive to metal and may damage the well casing, screens and/or pump.
Cotey Chemical recommends WEL-CHLOR Plus for water well disinfection and does not encourage the use of hydrogen peroxide for water well disinfection.
Can I use Cotey Chemical products to unplug water lines?
Answer: Maybe. Unplugging water wells is best accomplished with both mechanical and chemical energy. The same is true for water lines. The chemicals can only work if they are in contact with the scale. In a small water line, the contact area is much smaller than in a water well so the procedure may take much longer. If it is possible to create a loop where the chemical is recirculated through the water pipe over a period of several days, the chance of removing the scale goes up tremendously. Also, if a small brush could be used to loosen the scale, the process has a greater chance of success.